The workshop for women who want enjoy their summer, guilt free.

Summer is notoriously a time where 1 of 2 things happen:

1: You feel like you aren't living it up ENOUGH. You see everyone on their fancy pants vacations or living that weekend warrior lifestyle, climbing mountains and crushing adventures, meanwhile, you are working away or just sitting on your couch, being crushed by the weight of comparison.


2: You are going and doing all of the things but not REALLY there. You're moving through the motions, checking off the boxes, pretending to have fun, meanwhile, on the inside, you're miserable. You're tense, you're stressed, hiding from photos and you aren't doing what you want.

And frankly, both of those options can go suck an egg.

I think you would agree that the endless game of “am I doing enough?!” is getting old.

And you are ready for different. To tap into the certainty of yourself and what you want - which is why I have created this workshop.

Summer Of Self Confidence is a 2-week experience that will consist of learning, coaching, and community.

Week 1: You will receive daily emails with homework so you can drop all the garbage in your head and start feeling better immediately. There will be 2 live group coaching calls for you to ask questions, get support, and connect with others. The recording will be sent out if you can’t attend live.

Week 2: We will have 3 live group coaching calls where you will go even deeper. Dropping all the shame, should's, and shitty self-talk so you can confidently show up as yourself and do more of what YOU want.

*You can also submit questions to me privately that I will answer in our private community or on a call.

pink flamingo swim ring on body of water in summer

By the end of our time together you will begin to feel more confident in yourself, less distracted by what everyone else is doing, and more connected to yourself than ever.

Don't get sucked in by filters, fillers, and fake tans online. In fact, don't get sucked in by anything online (with the exception of this workshop), go live your best damn life!!

This summer, let’s do it different.

Let's not tear apart our bodies. Let's not try to keep up with the Jones'. Let's not spend our time spreading ourselves so thin that a meltdown is never far away.

What will be covered:

  • Setting the stage for what you actually what vs what you THINK you should want.
  • Protecting your time + energy.
  • Letting go of the "I'm not doing enough" guilt.
  • How to begin having your own back like a MF'r.
  • And more...

Consider this an enema of confidence.

(Maybe that is a horrible example but you get it)


Time Commitment :
You can participate in as much or as little as you would like. Of course, the more you show up the more you will get out of it. But if you are short on time or already have a full calendar, don’t let that stop you from signing up. You will still get the emails, call recordings, and chances to submit questions if you can’t make it live to a call.

I can't make any of the call times :

If the vibe and message of this workshop is pulling at your gut but you can't make the calls, register. I have done a similar workshop with NO calls, only emails, and people are still talking about it - 6 months later. You will still receive all the emails/videos/worksheets/call recordings.

I am nervous about showing up for the group calls:

If that is making you not want to sign up, then don't come to them. They are optional. But !! I really do believe that there is no growth without a little discomfort. Push yourself to participate. Push yourself to show up and contribute and ask questions. I PROMISE it is so much worse in your head. The calls are always really incredible. If you want different results you have to take different actions.


$147 - You spend more than this on online shopping, workout programs, eating out, or some other impulse buy. Come do this workshop and experience ACTUAL change.

If you've been craving more confidence, more connection, and more fun, you don't want to miss out on this.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.